Get healthy !
the Mission Acupuncture
and Herb Clinic.
Natural Way For Your Health
We will be closed for Holiday Dec 24th (Sat) 2022 - Jan 15th (Sun) 2023
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About Us
We do our best not to keep patients waiting for more than 5 minutes. We provide flexible working hours and easy schedule options. Discounts are provided to low-income families, the elderly, the disabled, students, and children.

We are guardians of local health!
We are devoted to using
A holistic approach
Nature friendly medicine
General practitioners of Eastern medicine
We believe that our patients should be treated with...
Kindness and Sincerity
Devotion and Integrity
Closed (+Holiday)
(778)-960-7794 (Emergency)
What We Offer

Acupuncture and/or Cupping
This is a commonly applied treatment method, which is composed of Massage + Cupping for 10-15 min, and acupuncture for the front or/and back of the body.
Painless Acupuncture
This is applied for children or adult who are afraid of acupuncture needling. Magnet and/or ear seeds are usually used for this modelity.
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Acupuncture needles are used at specific Acupuncture points on the face for stimulating the tissues to produce collagen.
Foot Reflexology
Some parts of our bodies have corresponding functions reflected on other areas of the body, such as feet, ears, and hands.
What People Say
I have been seeing Hong for just over 3 months and I have noticed a complete change. The pain and the other medical issues I have are releasing from my body. I can move freely and I don’t feel stuck anymore. Seeing Hong is the best thins I’ve ever done.
What People Say
I want to thank you for helping me in respect of my prostate cancer.
As you know, when I arrived in mid-September, my PSA was at 8673 and the cancer had metastasized to the bones and lymph glands. I was having difficulty moving due to my aching bones – especially in the back. The urologist was surprised to see me walking around as, with a PSA that high, apparently it is likely that the spine would collapse causing instant paralysis or even death. At any rate, I saw the urologist in order to start hormone therapy, a conventional treatment for prostate cancer. He was to give me an injection in two weeks but I was to take some pills which were also part of the hormone treatment.
During these two weeks, I saw you and the PSA had dropped to something over 2800 in that time. I have not had a further PSA test but I certainly notice a marked change physically.
When I first saw you, my stomach was in bad condition with growth or tumour as well as cancer, the bones were aching and inflexible in my back and pelvic area, and the lymph glands around the collarbone, as well as the bone itself, were cancer-ridden. Now, after about three months of your treatment with combined cupping, acupuncture, moxibustion and heat therapy, my stomach feels fine with only minor discomfort, the lymph gland is considerably less swollen and the collarbone less tender, and the back bones and pelvic area is far more flexible and pain-free. Whereas I had to sit down to get dressed when I first started seeing you, I now stand and in fact do everything I would normally have done.
While not yet cured, the improvement is remarkable.
So I want to thank you. While it is difficult to know what role the hormone therapy has played in my recovery in relation to your therapies, but personally I am convinced that your therapies are the principal reason for the improvements in my health.
With best wishes,
What People Say
Hong is a very calm and peaceful man and very comfortable to be around. He was good about explaining to me the basic philosophy around eastern medicine versus Western medicine. I have reached a point where Western medicine has been unable to help with many of my ailments and Hong has addressed many of these issues, in particular concerning the root problems causing my diabetic condition. I am taking less insulin and Metformin since I've seen him. Many of my issues seem to have 'levelled out' and the many symptoms and my pain levels are not as extreme.
We will miss hung and we are sorry that he and his family will not be part of this community as we had hoped. My husband and I wish him well and recommend him in whatever role he will play in the Lower Mainland, and wish him all the best in his endeavors.
What People Say
I am happy to report that after Hong's treatments I am well; my overall health is balanced, and my foot has improved remarkably. Where I once had inflammation and a pronounced bone spur, my foot appears normal, and the arthritic pain is reduced to a point where it is minimal. I can comfortably walk and dance again!
I respectfully recommend Hong's Traditional Chinese Medicine practice, and feel confident in stating his techniques will serve to assist in balancing and reduction of arthritic pain.
What People Say
I've been seeing Dr. Hong for two years.
In that time he's helped me from head to toes. From headaches to sciatic to foot problems. Too much to list. I've had two hips - two knees & back surgery & I still find help – relief with Hong.
Thank you Hong.
What People Say
Thank you for the herb supplement to repair damp heat. I have found by consuming these herbs my bowel function has improved dramatically.
vvI no longer have the sensation that my body ‘feels’ bloated or that I still have to have another bowel movement. Hard to explain, but my stomach/intestine feels clean.
Acupuncture has released pain from my knee.
What People Say
After only a couple months of treatment with Hong, most of the swelling in my abdomen had vanished, I had lost about 10 pounds of water weight, my mood and sleep had drastically improved, and to top it all off, some unrelated joint pain issues had also started to improve! Each time I visit the clinic, I leave feeling better then when I woke up. I feel relaxed and a lot of my pain goes away. One time I even went in with period cramps that were so bad that I was literally in tears that morning, curled up with a hot water bottle. Hong insisted that I come to the clinic (even though I felt like I could barely get out of bed), and lo and behold, he took my pain away!
The more often I go to this clinic, the better I feel. I have suffered from a rather intense anxiety problem for much of my life, and I always feel significantly more relaxed and calm after visiting the Mission Acupuncture and Herb Clinic.

Hong’s Brief History
Hong has a Bachelor's and Master's degree from the national Seoul University in Korea. He has been interested in spiritual evolution, environmentally friendly life, energy saving construction, and complementary and alternative medicine for a long time.
In Korea, he trained and practised healing methods for the body and spirit such as acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, and bloodletting treatment (etc). He immigrated to Canada (Jan, 2011) and graduated the acupuncture course in ICTCM and the herb course in PCU.
He obtained the license of acupuncturist (R·TCM·A/Jan, 2010) and herbalist (R·TCM·P/Jan, 2011), and he graduated a Doctor of TCM course and got his diploma in Feb, 2012. He was a herb instructor at PCU in 2015. He had worked in Merrit, China Town in Vancouver and has opened his clinic in Mission since Jan. 2016.
His major concern is to help local people with natural healing treatment for patients specially through Sah Ahm O Haeng acupuncture and herbs. He lives in the countryside of Abbotsford, where he grows his own herbs, and enjoy eco-friendly farm life.
Practicing Sah Ahm O Haeng Acupuncture more than 10 years
There are many different kinds of acupuncture techniques. Sah Ahm O Haeng Acupuncture, also called Korean 4 needles technique, is a unique, and strong method, which was developed 450 years ago in Korea.
The key point of this technique is that it strongly controls Yin and Yang, Coldness and Hotness, Weakness and Excessiveness in Organs, themselves, as well as the Meridians between 12 organs. This improves vitality, and harmonizes the energy and bloodstream within the body.
We work toward renewal and recovery of physical as well as mental health. For example, with Sah Ahm O Haeng Acupuncture, we can treat people who suffer from anxiety, depression or emotional sensitivity (too much worry, sorrow, fear...), low energy, poor digestion, constipation, less motivation, lack of sleeping, gain weight, fuzziness in head (sometimes hot temper), bipolar, etc, as well as manopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes and night sweating.
After only a few acupuncture and/or herb treatments (at most, under 10 visits) most patients will experience an overall decrease in symptoms. Hong has practiced this technique for more than 10 years.